HDx Enabled by THERANOVA for Renal Care
The information contained in this page is intended for Ireland healthcare professionals only.

HDx enabled by THERANOVA is the latest Baxter dialysis therapy for patients with end-stage renal disease. The THERANOVA dialyser features an innovative membrane, which provides an expanded haemodialysis therapy (HDx).
THERANOVA was designed to filter a wider range of molecules from the blood than conventional haemodialysis filters, targeting the removal of large middle molecules (25 kDa to <60 kDa), that may be associated with inflammation and cardiovascular health for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients.1,2,3 Its innovative MEDIUM CUT-OFF (MCO) membrane expands the range of solute removed during regular dialysis, while retaining essential proteins at a limited level. This unique cut-off and retention onset profile allows for filtration closer to that of the natural kidney.4,5
HDx is performed the same way as conventional haemodialysis (HD), does not require generation of replacement fluid and works on standard equipment for operational efficiencies.
Three Distinct Layers of Design
Smooth Surface and Asymmetric Design
The THERANOVA membrane features a smooth blood-contacting surface of its thin inner layer or skin. It is characterised by hydrophobic/hydrophilic micro-domains, which may minimise interaction with blood components, resulting in lower protein adsorption and cell interaction, which may help reduce risks of clotting.5
DO NOT USE THERANOVA dialyser in HDF or HF mode.
For safe and proper use of THERANOVA, refer to the appropriate Instructions for Use, Operation's Manual or User’s Guide.